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BilgiHanem Photoshop Dersler ve Yamalar

Photoshop Çalışmaları , Photoshop Dersleri ve Photoshop Araçları

BilgiHanem Web Tasarım Araçları Ve Dersleri

Açıklayıcı Web Tasarım Ders Anlatımları , Orjinal Web Tasarımları ve İşinizi Kolaylaştıracak Web Tasarım Araçları

BilgiHanem Dizi Ve Film İzleme Adresiniz

Günlük Diziler , En Yeni Ve En İyi Filmler Kaliteli Görüntü İle Sunuyoruz...

BilgiHanem Günün Haberleri

BilgiHanem'le Gündemden Haberiniz Olsun.Olaylardan İlk Sizin Haberiniz Olsun...

28 Şubat 2011 Pazartesi

Av Mevsimi 2010 (Yerli Film) 480p DVDRip XviD AC3

Av Mevsimi 2010 (Yerli Film) 480p  DVDRip XviD AC3

Cinayet masasındaki tecrübesi nedeniyle Avcı lakabının hakkını veren Komiser Ferman ile adı deliye çıkmış İdris baba-oğul kadar birbirine yakın iki polistir. Aralarına antropoloji mezunu bir çömez olan Hasan katılmıştır. Üçü öldürülen genç bir kızın katilini bulmakla görevlendirilir. Soruşturma sırasında uyuşturucu ticaretinden zengin bir işadamına kadar farklı insanlarla karşılaşacak bu üç polisin hayatı artık eskisi gibi olmayacaktır.

Av Mevsimi 2010 (Yerli Film) 480p  DVDRip XviD AC3

Av Mevsimi 2010 (Yerli Film) 480p  DVDRip XviD AC3

Av Mevsimi 2010 (Yerli Film) 480p  DVDRip XviD AC3

Av Mevsimi 2010 (Yerli Film) 480p  DVDRip XviD AC3

Av Mevsimi 2010 (Yerli Film) 480p  DVDRip XviD AC3




Partlar Uyumludur….

Dünya Ticaret Merkezi & World Trade Center - 2006 - BRRip XviD - Türkçe Dublaj


Tür : Dram / Politik
Gösterim Tarihi :29 Eylül 2006
Yönetmen : Oliver Stone
Yapım : 2006, ABD
Süre : 123 dk.

Nicolas Cage (John McLoughlin) , Michael Pena (William J. Jimeno)
Maria Bello (Bayan McLoughlin) , Jay Hernandez
Maggie Gyllenhaal (Bayan Jimeno) , Stephen Dorff (Scott Strauss)

Filmin Konusu
John McLoughlin ve William J. Jimeno, Dünya Ticaret Merkezi yıkıntıları arasında kurtarma çalışmalarını yürütürken enkazın altında mahsur kalan iki liman koruma polisidir. Enkaz altında kaldıkları zaman dilimi içerisinde yaşadıklarını ve onları çıkarabilmek için mücadele veren kurtarma görevlilerinin başlarından geçen gerçek öyküyü anlatan bir film, Dünya Ticaret Merkezi.

Oliver Stone gibi sinemada efsaneleşmiş bir yönetmenle Nicolas Cage gibi tecrübeli bir oyuncuyu biraraya get


Hayrettin Show DVBRip XviD Tüm Bölümleri Ayrı Ayrı Link
Hayrettin Cumartesi Akşamları 00:45'de Star'da!

Hayrettin Karaoğuz'un sunumuyla " HAYRETTİN" Cumartesi gecelerini renklendirmeye devam ediyor.

İnternette ve televizyonda  ilginç, komik ne varsa alıyor, kendine has tarzıyla yorumluyor, hatta tekrar çekiyor.
Bölüm 11.12.2010
Bölüm 25.12.2010
Bölüm 01.01.2011

Bölüm 08.01.2011

Bölüm 15.01.2011
Bölüm 22.01.2011

Bölüm 29.01.2011
Bölüm 12.02.2011
Bölüm 19.02.2011
Bölüm 26.02.2011

Üniversitelerin Yapı Eğitimi Ve İnşaat Bölümlerinde Okuyanlar İçin Yapı Teknolojileri Ders Notları

Üniversitelerin Yapı Eğitimi Ve İnşaat Bölümlerinde Okuyanlar İçin Yapı Teknolojileri Ders Notları
Paket İçerisinde 14 Adet Konu Ve Anlatımları Bulunmaktadır...

Turbo C & Dev C Son Sürümler (Üniversitelerde C Dersi Alanlar)

Turbo C & Dev C Son Sürümler (Üniversitelerde C Dersi Alanlar)
C Dili İle Program Yazmak İsteyenler İçin C Kaynak Kodunun Doğru olup olmadığını Kontrol Eden Programlar. Özellikle Üniversitede Ve Meslek Liselerinin Bilgisayar Programcılığında Okuyan Arkadaşlar İçin Gereklidir...

İndirmek İçin TIKLAYINIZ...

AIMP Classic & Mega Pack 3.00 Beta 1 Build 840 TR

AIMP Classic & Mega Pack 3.00 Beta 1 Build 840 TR

AIMP, Windows Media Player ve Winamp yazılımlarına alternatif bir ücretsiz medya oynatıcı programıdır. Aimp en az sistem kaynağı kullanarak en temiz ve kaliteli ses sunmayı vaadediyor. Aimp ile çeşitli ses formatlarını wma, mp3, wav, ogg formatlarına dönüştürebilir, yine ses cdlerini Mp3, OGG, WAV veya WM olarak bilgisayarınıza kaydedebilirsiniz.

.: Paket İçeriği :.
# AIMP 3.00 Beta 1 Build 840
# AIMP Tools 2.61.583 Final

# Euphoria, 50daysS v1.12, Alfa All-In-One, Alfa, Black Glass v3, Eternity, Euphoria Lux, Euphoria Remix, Flock v2, Lite Style, Hameleon Skinleri
# Aimp13mm, Aimp2, Aimp2 Lite, AimpVista, Aimp, Alfa, Amory, Speaker ikonları
# DFX Audio Enhancer 9.303
# Enhancer 0.17

.: AIMP Mega Pack 3.00 Beta 1 Build 840 TR :.

.: Dosya Bilgisi :.
Boyut: 17.9 MB
Sıkıştırma: Rar / Şifresiz
MD5: 6883222D02A8BB52E2ACB2177099066C
Tarama: ESET Smart Sec. / Durum Temiz
Platform: Windows Xp / Vista / 7a


Schoolhouse Technologies Math Resource Studio v4.4.11.1

Schoolhouse Technologies Math Resource Studio v4.4.11.1

Schoolhouse Technologies Math Resource Studio v4.4.11.1 | 8 MB

Schoolhouse Technologies Math Resource Studio v4.4.11.1 Öğrencilerinize, Matematik uygulamalarını geliştirebilecekleri kusursuz bir beceri geliştirme programı sağlayabilirsiniz. Profesyonel alıştırma sayfaları ve kitapçıkları oluşturabileceğiniz bu program, alıştırma sayfalarını tasarlarken size zaman ve kaynaklarınızı en verimli şekilde kullanmanızı sağlayacak. Sayı işlemleri ve kavramları, cebir, geometri, kesirler, numara okuma yöntemleri, zaman işlemleri, para işlemleri, matematik bulmacaları, oranlar ve yüzdelikler, ölçümler ve daha birçok öntanımlı taslak ile beraber gelen program, Öğretmenlerimizin hayatını kolaylaştıracak.

Schoolhouse Technologies Math Resource Studio v4.4.11.1 Math Resource Studio combines the same ease-of-use that made Mathematics Worksheet Factory a favorite instructional tool of teachers around the world with greatly improved design flexibility. Now you can go beyond single-page, single-concept math worksheets to multi-page, multi-concept math reviews, learning-packs and workbooks almost effortlessly.Generate printable math worksheets and activities to provide students with the precise skills development and practice they need as part of a differentiated numeracy program.

Math Resource Studio makes it easy to create differentiated activities to support your lesson objectives and target the learning needs of all of your students. Match the varied skill levels in your classroom with the exact practice required to advance those skills to the next level And do it in seconds.

Provide students with the precise skills development and math practice they need as part of a differentiated numeracy program. Create individual or class sets of professional worksheets, workbooks, or tests quickly and effortlessly saving valuable preparation time and resources.

Generate math worksheet activities to cover a diverse range of math areas including:
number operations
number concepts
geometry fractions
money math puzzles
ratio and percent
and more

A total of more than 70 unique math worksheet activities in all. And with the many optional settings for each activity, there are actually hundreds of activity configurations available. See below for descriptions of all the math activities that are possible with Math Resource Studio.

Provide differentiated practice
Math Resource Studio makes it easy to create differentiated activities to target the learning needs of all of your students. Practice materials can look the same but differ in their level of difficulty so that you can match the varied skill levels in your classroom with the exact practice required to advance those skills to the next level without causing undo embarassment to your students.

Support your objectives
Easily create the exact math materials you require to support your instructional objectives and desired learning outcomes. Math Resource Studio allows you to precisely specify the type and level of material needed to assess prior learning, reinforce lesson concepts, and evaluate what has been learned.

Motivate your students
The greatest learning motivation for students is working on activities that match their learning needs. Math Resource Studio is the ideal resource creation tool because it makes it easy for teachers to provide that motivating match between learning activity and learning need. But Math Resource Studio takes motivation a big step further with a variety of challenging math puzzle activities that students always enjoy tackling as well as numerous options to create very original and attractive worksheets to complement a particular lesson theme, grade level, or season.

Be more productive
Producing math practice materials with Math Resource Studio is as simple as selecting the types of questions you want and how many, setting a few options to control the difficulty of the questions, and clicking the generate button. A powerful random generation engine takes over and creates an original set of questions, calculates the answers, and in just seconds you have a completely unique and original worksheet.

Save your time
Never spend valuable and scarce hours preparing math worksheets again. No more picking through file folders of old photocopies and blackline masters, flipping through workbooks, getting lost in the mazes of online worksheet providers, or manually creating one with pencil and paper. The exact differentiated math worksheet activity you require for tomorrow's lesson will be only seconds away.

Save your budget
Save your limited resource funds for more important purchases than constant expenditures for single-use, inflexible workbooks and other copyrighted materials that never quite do what you need them to do. With Math Resource Studio you can create the exact practice activities your students require for just the cost of the paper and ink.

Passware Windows Key Enterprise Edition v10.3.2585 Bootable CD Retail
Passware Windows Key Enterprise Edition, Windows’u yeniden kurmanıza gerek kalmadan Windows giriş şifresini dakikalar içerisinde sıfırlar. Açılış sırasında çalışan CD, USB Flash Sürücü, disket sürücü şifrelerini, Yönetici ve kullanıcı şifreleri ile girişi engelleyen Windows Güvenlik ayarlarını sıfırlar.


Kantaris Media Player 0.6.8

Kantaris Media Player 0.6.8 | 16.7 MB

Kantaris Media Player programı tamamen ücretsiz ve kullanımı son derece kolay, Türkçe dil desteği olan başarılı bir medya oynatıcısıdır. Pek çok video ve ses dosya biçimini desteklemektedir.

JAM Software SpaceObServer v5.0.1.623 Retail

JAM Software SpaceObServer v5.0.1.623 Retail

JAM Software SpaceObServer v5.0.1.623 Retail | 17 MB

JAM Software SpaceObServer v5.0.1.623 Retail SpaceObServer Windows için güçlü ve esnek bir yerel disk kapasite yönetim programıdır. Arkaplan servisi ile klasör ağaçlarını tarar ve boyut ve özellik gibi yapı bilgilerini bir SQL veritabanında depolar. Depolanan bilgiler explorera benzer bir arayüz ile hiyerarşik ya da tablolar halinde, 3 boyutlu sütunlar, pasta, çizgi tablo ve ağaç haritaları şeklinde görülebilir. Arşivlenen bilgileri kullanarak alan kullanım miktarının geçmişten bugğne değişimi izlenebilir ve ileriye dönük tahminler yapılabilir.

JAM Software SpaceObServer v5.0.1.623 Retail SpaceObServer is a powerful and flexible hard disk space manager for Windows. It scans local and network drives using a background service and stores their structure, sizes and properties in an SQL database. Linux and Unix filesystems can be scanned via SSH (Secure Shell). In an Explorer-like user interface the collected data can be viewed and browsed in hierarchical or tabular views, 3D bar, pie, line charts and tree maps. Using the archived data you are able to track the development of the space usage from past to present, and forecast future size usage. A flexible file search, with predefined searches for very big, old or obsolete files allows filtering and listing files directly from the database. A duplicate file search is also included.

Main Features
• The size of each folder is displayed directly in the file system tree. This way you can easily discover which folders occupy most of your hard disk space.
• A background service, the SpaceObServer Agent, regularly scans selected drives and stores the collected data in an SQL database.
• Supported databases: MS Access, MS SQL Server 2000/2005, ORACLE 9/10, MySQL or IBM DB2 including the free Express editions.
• Scan network drives without the need to install additional software on the servers you want to observe.
• By using the NTFS Change Journals SpaceObServer is able to update information about local NTFS drives continuously, which results in disk usage information that is always up to date.
• Linux and Unix filesystems can be scanned directly via SSH (Secure Shell).
• A space usage history shows development over time and provides an approximated forecast for the future.
• A highly customizable file search allows filtering your files by size, last change, last access and creation date, extension, filename pattern, file attributes or owner. Filter options are applied directly to the directory tree and all other views.
• Duplicate files can be identified by the MD5 checksum of their content or a combination of name, size and last change date.
• SpaceObServer supports the international character standard Unicode.
• View, print and export 3D bar, pie, line charts and tree maps.
• Several exporting and reporting possibilities: Printed report (showing the directory structure), Excel, XML, PDF, HTML, text file or clipboard.
• Show checkboxes directly in the file system tree and details view. Directories and files marked this way can be easily moved, zipped or deleted. You can choose to keep file permissions and create stub files for moved files.
• The OLE Automation interface allows scheduling your exports from within your own scripts or applications, written in any programming language that supports OLE Automation (e.g. VBScript, VB.NET, C#, Delphi). Programming examples are included.
• Support for the file based NTFS compression, hard links and Alternate Data Streams (ADS)
• A list displays the size for each folder grouped by users or file extensions.
• Visibility and order of the columns can be configured for the details view and each export type separately.
• You can easily customize the output format, e.g. number of decimals, size unit (Byte, KB, MB, GB), etc.
• Explorer context menu is supported inside the SpaceObServer.

Changes in 5.0.1: (17 Feb 2011)
• Bug fix: When using SpaceObServer with a MS SQL Server 2005 database scans did not run successfully.

Changes in 5.0: (16 Feb 2011)
• SpaceObServer is now available in two different editions: The Enterprise Edition includes all the known and new features. The lower-priced Standard Edition only scans one server and includes the functions relevant for this application range (without SSH and Exchange Server scans, no OLE Automation interface).
• Scans can now be grouped in so-called "Containers" to generate merged statistics like "Duplicate Files", "Extensions" or "History" for several scanned shares. Containers can be added and configured using the context menu of the directory tree or in the "Configure Scans" dialog using drag & drop operations.
• SpaceObServer is now able to scan and archive the storage of Exchange server mailboxes (only "Enterprise Edition").
• Firebird can now be used as a backend database for SpaceObServer.
• By optimizing the build up and update process of the backend database, the performance of the scans has been increased, especially for the initial scans (increase of 20 - 30%). Please note that scans newly added by SpaceObServer V5 cannot be used with SpaceObServer V4.x!
• The "Extensions" list can now be grouped by file types like "Audio Files", "Video Files", "Office Files", etc. This feature can be turned on or off by a new toolbar button. The file groups can be configured on the new tab "File Groups" in the Options dialog ("Tools > Options").
• The scan scheduler ("Scan > Configure Scans > Update Options") has been enhanced so that you can now also schedule monthly or weekly scans (e.g.: on the 1st, 15th and 30th of every month or every week on Monday and Friday).
• Scans can now use any user credentials instead of the login of the scan service "SpaceObServer Agent" to scan network or local shares. The user name and password can be entered on the new tab "Expert Settings" of the Configure Scans dialog. In this new tab you can also configure some enhanced options which were formerly only accessible from within the context menu of the list above.
• All lists can now be saved in HTML and RTF format by choosing the appropriate format in the "Save" dialog.
• You can now deduplicate checked files in the "Duplicate Files" list by using the new context menu entry "Deduplicate Checked Files" or the new button in the duplicates toolbar. The deduplication replaces existing files with links to reduce the allocated disk space.
• Now the "Number of Files" is shown in the "History" graph if this view type is chosen in the "View" menu.
• The new options "Preserve directory structure" and "Automatically rename existing files" have been added to the "Move Checked Files" dialog ("Tools > Move Checked Files").
• The size unit TB (Terabyte) has been added to the "View" menu.
• The information types "MD5 Checksum" and "Path Length" are now available in the "Details" list as additional column and for all types of export.
• Improved the look of the user interface when using large system fonts.
• In the Configure Scan dialog ("Scan > Configure Scans") you can now choose "Purge Data older than 0 Day(s)" in the "Scan Options" to execute only initial scans for the selected share. Note: In some cases executing only initial scans will be more efficient than updating existing data in the database. In this case there will be no "History" or size growth information available for these shares.
• The new function "Copy as Text" has been added to the context menu of the "History" chart. This function enables you to export the values of the history chart as text to the clipboard.
• The "List of Scans" beneath the directory tree can now be exported as a text file by using the new context menu entry "Save List...".
• The printed tree report now also uses the colors shown in the directory tree if the option "Use bold Text and Colors for Printed Reports too" ("Tools > Options > View") is activated.
• File Search: The attribute "encrypted" has been added to the file attribute include/exclude list (tab "Owner / Attributes").
• Modifications of the scan configuration ("Scan > Configure Scans") of any scan are now no longer applied immediately, but by clicking the new "Apply Settings" button.
• You can now use environment variables like "%APPDATA%" in the "Scan Path" edit field (above the directory tree).
• If any entries in the "Duplicate Files" list are check-marked, the sum of all checked files is now shown in the status bar, as it is already done in the "Details" list.
• Introduced a context menu with functions to (un-) check all entries in the list of visible export columns ("Tools > Options > Columns / Export").
• The shortcut for copying the selected entries of the Details list to the clipboard is now "Shift+Ctrl+C". "Ctrl+C" in the Details list now copies the selected files or folders to the clipboard, just like the Windows Explorer.
• When changing the sort type of SpaceObServer ("Sort" menu) the position of top level directories are now no longer changed in the directory tree.
• The support for Windows 2000 has been dropped because Microsoft dropped it in July 2010. SpaceObServer V4.3.2, which is compatible with Windows 2000, remains available in our customer area for registered customers with valid maintenance.
• Bug fix: A selected "[Deleted]" node in the directory tree (these nodes are shown if "Show Size Changes in Tree" is activated) caused incorrect size growth series shown in the "History" chart.
• Bug fix: The update scan now correctly regards if any directory within a scan has been replaced by a symbolic link with the same name.
• Bug fix: When deleting a file or folder from the "Details" list that no longer exists, the file was not removed persistently from the "Details". This could lead to inconsistent sizes in the directory tree and the Details list.
• Several minor improvements have been incorporated

R-Studio 5.3 Build 132965 Corparate Full [Silenen Dosyaları Kurtarın]

R-Studio 5.3 Build 132965 Corparate
R-Studio 5.3 Build 132965 Corparate Full | 8.56 Mb
Eski ve yeni tüm teknolojilerle uyumlu çalışabilen program etkili ve güçlü bir seçenek.Hem yerel hem de genel ağdaki disklerin kurtarılması için kullanılabilen program formatlanmış, silinmiş hatta zarar görmüş dosyaları geri getirme yeteneğine sahip. Eski ve yeni hemen her dosya sistemini destekleyen programla farklı formatlarda saklanan veriler güvenle kurtarılabiliyor. R-Studio kurtarmaya ek olarak yedekleme ve imaj alma özellikleriyle sisteminizin tam teşekküllü veri kurtarma istasyonu olarak çalışıyor.

Virüs, zarar gören dosyalar, formatı değiştirilmiş hard diskler ve bad sector gibi sebeplerle zarar gören verilerinizi R-Studio ile güven içinde kurtarabilirsiniz.

Kaspersky Rescue Disk Build
Kaspersky Rescue Disk Build | 208 MB

Kaspersky Rescue Disk Build Kaspersky Rescue Disk, virüs ve diğer zararlı yazılımlar bulaşmış bilgisayar sisteminizi güvenli ve diğer uygulamalara zarar vermeden kaldıran/silen, güvenlik devi Kaspersky tarafından üretilmiş bir güvenlik çözümüdür. İndirdiğiniz ISO uzantılı dosyayı, elinizdeki boş bir CD ye yazın ve virüs bulaşmış bilgisayarınızın CD-ROM sürücüsüne diski yerleştirin.Bilgisayarınızın BIOS una girerek, açılış sürücüsünü CD ROM olarak ayarlayın. Bilgisayarınızı Kaspersky Rescue Disk ile başlattığınızda, karşınıza gelen yönergeler doğrultusunda bilgisayar sisteminizi virüslerden tamamen temizleyebilirsiniz. Unutmayın, Kaspersky Rescue Disk de bulunan tüm etkinleştirme yönergeleri "do" ile başlar.Tam tersi olarak "no" ile başlayanlar, kapatma işlemleridir

Kaspersky Rescue Disk Build Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 is designed to scan and disinfect x86 and x64-compatible computers that have been infected. The application should be used when the infection is at such level that it is impossible to disinfect the computer using anti-virus applications or malware removal utilities (such as Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool) running under the operating system. In this case, disinfection is more efficient because malware programs do not gain control when the operating system is being loaded.

Kaspersky Rescue Disk Build
Kaspersky Rescue Disk Build | 208 MB

Kaspersky Rescue Disk Build Kaspersky Rescue Disk, virüs ve diğer zararlı yazılımlar bulaşmış bilgisayar sisteminizi güvenli ve diğer uygulamalara zarar vermeden kaldıran/silen, güvenlik devi Kaspersky tarafından üretilmiş bir güvenlik çözümüdür. İndirdiğiniz ISO uzantılı dosyayı, elinizdeki boş bir CD ye yazın ve virüs bulaşmış bilgisayarınızın CD-ROM sürücüsüne diski yerleştirin.Bilgisayarınızın BIOS una girerek, açılış sürücüsünü CD ROM olarak ayarlayın. Bilgisayarınızı Kaspersky Rescue Disk ile başlattığınızda, karşınıza gelen yönergeler doğrultusunda bilgisayar sisteminizi virüslerden tamamen temizleyebilirsiniz. Unutmayın, Kaspersky Rescue Disk de bulunan tüm etkinleştirme yönergeleri "do" ile başlar.Tam tersi olarak "no" ile başlayanlar, kapatma işlemleridir

Kaspersky Rescue Disk Build Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 is designed to scan and disinfect x86 and x64-compatible computers that have been infected. The application should be used when the infection is at such level that it is impossible to disinfect the computer using anti-virus applications or malware removal utilities (such as Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool) running under the operating system. In this case, disinfection is more efficient because malware programs do not gain control when the operating system is being loaded.


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